Speed, storage and optimization

El.Com develops and produces wire harnesses also for the automotive market where the electronic is in exponential growth and it represents the nerve centre of vehicles.
The main market is represented by industrial vehicles and public transport.

A multi-level service

From 25 years, El.Com is the supplier for some of the most prestigious automotive’s brands and with them the company established a relation based on confidence, collaboration and development.
El.Com is an excellence in the automotive wire harness’ market and it is able to offer a multi-level service, starting from the individual segment of the productive process of the wire harness ending up to the more complex one.


The great flexibility of the company permits to offer timing and cost-effectiveness, El.Com can benefits from Tunisia plant and several Italian suppliers.

Technologies and tooling

Engineering department has an huge knowledge of principles software packets 2D and 3D for the wire harness’ design.
Thanks to the strong experience and a steady collaboration with the main builders of electronics’ components, El.Com is able to suggest to the customer the best choice for his projects.

The team is capable to reply to all market’s request guaranteeing flexibility and timing that could make the difference in a successful project.